Catalyst Leadership: Leading Leaders
Texas Children's Hospital wanted to create their own leadership university (series of seminars) built on two things: the positive impact of current CEO, Mark A. Wallace, and the teachings of Institute for the Future, an organization that, "Brings people together to make the future—today." Our challenge was translating those big-think, leadership philosophies into something that answered the question, "Well, what does this have to do with me?"
What I Did: Fell into philosophical holes, read a lot, and gave this event series a voice that didn’t take a PhD to understand.
Organizational Design
Launching the movement.
"As leaders in health care, it’s our job to recognize and create informed connections in the world around us. To rethink the barriers to progress we place upon ourselves. Through Catalyst Leadership, Texas Children’s is constantly expanding our definition of care and continuing to accelerate health. Inspired by CEO Mark A. Wallace’s boundary-breaking leadership, we are kickstarting a new movement to question the way things are and discover what they could become."
The first event included 50+ of the organizations top leaders. "At the end of the Catalyst Leadership University inaugural meeting, the room was filled with agreement that as leaders it’s up to us to shape the future of Texas Children’s."